Sunday, June 01, 2008

LIving La Vida Loca in Manzanillo

This past weekend was the wedding of Nadia and Scott, and let's just say that they sure know how to pick a location. Their wedding was held in a private house in the world renown "La Punta" neighborhood in Manzanillo Mexico... go ahead Google it! You'll find some of the most unbelievable houses you've yet to see.

Nadia and Scott were awesome to hang with, very laid back which always makes for the best attitude when soaking up such an awesome view. I could tell things were going to be, shall I say "Festive" at the get-go, when I arrived at the rehearsal dinner for a few candids and walked away with the biggest, tastiest margarita these lips have sipped on.

As the wedding day antics unfolded, I'll sum it up in such fashion: Nadia logged no less than 4 hours getting ready while Scott soaked in the infinity pool until 15 minuets before the ceremony - Upon their ceremonial dove release, one disoriented dove decided it best to land upon the chest of a good-sported Aunt - I'll end it with me getting absolutely soaked by a 7th set wave which crashed into the rocky shoreline we were shooting portraits on... Scott's face is priceless!

It was an amazing and unforgettable experience, and I wish all the best for my new friends Nadia and Scott!

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