Last weekend I had to immense privilege to head out to Kansas City, for Audrey and Zach's wedding. It was everything you could dream of, if having a backyard wedding is your thing. Personally I'm partial to them as some of my favorites because I love the relaxed down home atmosphere.
Audrey was gorgeous, and Zach her perfect counterpart. AS I was snapping portraits they'd kiss and love on each other and you could see plain as day that they are smitten with each other.
here's some pics from their big day, enjoy em'! And I ope to hear from more of y'all in Kansas City.
Monday, June 30, 2008
For smiles I'm titling this blog "Baker Baker'!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Summer in Colorado!
When it's summertime in Colorado, you know what time it is...time to get Married!!
Things have been wonderfully busy, and I've been truly blessed to have the best clients in the world. It's been an unbelievable experience to be able to photograph some of the most amazing weddings for amazing people. It makes my career an absolute pleasure.
Let's see, gotta catch you up to speed with what's been going on. Well, let's start things off at Hudson Gardens with a wonderful couple Regan and Louis. I think their motto is "short and sweet" which was just fine with me. We shot around the gardens and into the lily paths, beautiful stuff. They had been practicing their dance moves for the big dance and nailed it! Here's some images from their day.
Next up, let's head to Chautauqua Park where I hooked up with another amazing couple, Laura and Bob. Crazy story...while shooting Bob and the boys formals we came around the back side of the auditorium and lo and behold, hear the sweet sounds of the band "Cake" rehearsing for that nights performance. Although we didn't have time to break up their jam session, it was awesome to know we were only a few feet from them with only a wall of separation. As their wedding unfolded in the park, the day setup perfectly giving great light and a breathtaking scene.
Enjoy my life, and my wonderful clients (friends)!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
LIving La Vida Loca in Manzanillo
This past weekend was the wedding of Nadia and Scott, and let's just say that they sure know how to pick a location. Their wedding was held in a private house in the world renown "La Punta" neighborhood in Manzanillo Mexico... go ahead Google it! You'll find some of the most unbelievable houses you've yet to see.
Nadia and Scott were awesome to hang with, very laid back which always makes for the best attitude when soaking up such an awesome view. I could tell things were going to be, shall I say "Festive" at the get-go, when I arrived at the rehearsal dinner for a few candids and walked away with the biggest, tastiest margarita these lips have sipped on.
As the wedding day antics unfolded, I'll sum it up in such fashion: Nadia logged no less than 4 hours getting ready while Scott soaked in the infinity pool until 15 minuets before the ceremony - Upon their ceremonial dove release, one disoriented dove decided it best to land upon the chest of a good-sported Aunt - I'll end it with me getting absolutely soaked by a 7th set wave which crashed into the rocky shoreline we were shooting portraits on... Scott's face is priceless!
It was an amazing and unforgettable experience, and I wish all the best for my new friends Nadia and Scott!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Unwinding and Hanging Out in Santa Fe
Just got back from a few days in wonderfully sunny and warm Santa Fe, hanging out with a good friend of mine. We decided to make the trek down to White Sands which when I say trek, is about 4.5 hours south of where we were...let's just say the past few days I lived in my car.
However, it was one of the most awe inspiring sights I've yet seen. Miles and Miles of stark white sand dunes, cool to the touch; a very magical place. As we goofed around inside the park, below are a few pics I snapped off with my Nikon.
*grabbed this photo of the picnic tables inside the park
*don't tell me you wouldn't hurl yourself off one of these beauties!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Engagement Craziness Continued!
My next stop was up to Evergreen at the always gorgeous Evergreen Lakehouse. I met up with Aby and Chris as we walked around the whole lake,. at times drifting dangerously close to the waters edge however we managed to come through unscathed.
I did manage to talk them into removing their footwear and dipping their toes in the freshly un-thawed waters...but don't you worry, I'm an expert in hypothermia! :)
It was a great way to end the day.
Get a load of this fence... My question is, What's it trying to keep out?! And why does it need to remain closed? Some things we're just not meant to understand.

Engagement Craziness!
This past Saturday I had the extreme fortune to hang out with two great couples, shooting away at some awesome locations. First up, Kelly and Kevin who had never been to wonderful Red Rocks, and so it was destiny that we just had to use the amphitheater for their engagement setting. We crawled all over the place getting shots and had a blast doing it.
We finally ended up on the main stage for some shots on stage all the while crazy 80's yoga music in the background, due to a band of hippies working out on the bleachers!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A little place called Haubstadt